Chasing Carrots With Zazil Pereira
Welcome to Chasing Carrots - A podcast for empaths and highly sensitive people. As empaths and highly sensitive people, the ability to feel emotions in and around us can sometimes feel like a burden - but what if I told you that by learning about and understanding your own emotions, being empathic and highly sensitive is actually your superpower? Join me - your host, Zazil Pereira - and together we will explore what it means to be an empath and highly sensitive, and how taking ownership of your true nature can empower you to reclaim your voice and release any emotional blockages that have been holding you back.
Chasing Carrots With Zazil Pereira
S1 E5 - Life After Trauma: Going From Survival Mode to Healing
Welcome to Chasing Carrots The Podcast! In this episode I share a personal reflection based on wisdom I’ve come to understand as I am processing and healing from a recent traumatic event.
There are moments in life that leave a deep mark in our psyche. These moments are often referred to as trauma. The result of a traumatic event is an emotional response that is born within our nervous system.
Because we have innately operated and navigated life from a deeply rooted programming of a survival, everything we do and create is done through this lens of survival.
But what happens when we remove that lens, and begin to operate and navigate life with the intention to thrive?
In this episode I share with you what I've learned about:
- Trauma awareness and it's impact on our nervous system.
- The mental health impact after a traumatic event.
- Mental health tools such as therapy, meditation and journaling to help navigate the days, weeks and months after a traumatic event.
- Healing generational trauma
- Reprogramming the subconscious mind
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