Chasing Carrots With Zazil Pereira
Welcome to Chasing Carrots - A podcast for empaths and highly sensitive people. As empaths and highly sensitive people, the ability to feel emotions in and around us can sometimes feel like a burden - but what if I told you that by learning about and understanding your own emotions, being empathic and highly sensitive is actually your superpower? Join me - your host, Zazil Pereira - and together we will explore what it means to be an empath and highly sensitive, and how taking ownership of your true nature can empower you to reclaim your voice and release any emotional blockages that have been holding you back.
19 episodes
S2 E8 - Coping With Grief And Loss As An Empath
In this episode I’m joined by Jess Reis, also known as - the death empath. She is an ancestral death doula and grief buddy who helps empaths and highly sensitive people alchemize death, grief and loss through storytelling, singing, and dancing....
Season 2
Episode 8
S2 E7 - How To Heal Trauma And Triggers As An Empath + HSP
In this episode I’m joined by Dr. Deniz Ahmadinia, a trauma informed and anxiety psychologist who integrates holistic modalities, mindfulness, and body-based therapies to help empaths and highly sensitive people embody healing.We discus...
Season 2
Episode 7
S2 E6 - Depression And Being An Empath: Use Your Sensitivity To Navigate Feeling
In this episode I’m joined by Dr. Michael Smith an energy healer and “professional out of the box thinker” whose background as a doctoral trained counselor and therapist helps empaths and highly sensitive people embrace their gifts and connect ...
Season 2
Episode 6
S2 E5 - What Are Boundaries And Why Empaths Need Them
In this episode I’m joined by Fraya Mortensen, a transformational mindset coach, who helps empaths and highly sensitive people increase self-compassion and teaches them how to set healthy boundaries.We discussThe connection b...
Season 2
Episode 5
S2 E4 - How To Protect Your Energy As An Intuitive Empath
In this episode I’m joined by Savannah Bohlin, an empath mentor and medicine woman, who teaches intuitive empaths how to master their gifts and guides them to become effective and grounded healers.We discuss:The co...
Season 2
Episode 4
S2 E3 - Why do Empaths + Highly Sensitive People Feel So Much?
In this episode I’m joined by Tricia Pickren, an energetic mentor and reiki master, who guides empaths and highly sensitive people to identify patterns and peel back the layers of who they think they are, and ultimately guides them back to thei...
S2 E2 - Common Myths About Empaths And Highly Sensitive People
In this episode I’m joined by Marisol Rascon, the founder of Sol Integrative Coaching. Her holistic approach to healing mind, body, and spirit has helped empaths and highly sensitive people break the cycle of overgiving and learn to fill up the...
Season 2
Episode 2
S2 E1 - What Is An Empath And A Highly Sensitive Person?
In this episode I’m joined by Jennifer Lauren Parker, the author behind the book - "Secrets of the Resilient Empath" and together we dive deep into what it means to be an empath and a highly sensitive person in a world that undere...
Season 2
Episode 1
S2 - What To Expect This Season
Empaths and highly sensitive peeps, I hear you. I know what it's like to be misunderstood and have your boundaries constantly trampled on. I know the frustration of being told to "just get over it" when you're in a bad m...
Season 2
Episode 0
S1 E9 - Tapping Into Joy While Healing Trauma Wounds
Welcome to Chasing Carrots The Podcast! This episode was inspired by taking a walk through an old growth forest. I open up about my journey of tapping into joy while healing my trauma wounds.In this episode I talk about:
Season 1
Episode 9
S1 E8 - Ending Toxic Patterns
Welcome to Chasing Carrots The Podcast! In this episode I'm joined by special guest Tam Hernandez and we talk about what our journey has been like when it comes to ending toxic patterns and replacing them with habits that support the life we...
Season 1
Episode 8
S1 E7 - Heal Yourself To Lead Yourself
Welcome to Chasing Carrots The Podcast! In this episode I’m joined by special guest Monica Maria Aparicio and together we dive deep into a conversation about stepping into 5D consciousness while navigating the 3D world that we live in....
Season 1
Episode 7
S1 E6 - Emotional Healing Using The Chakras
Today’s episode is about healing our energetic body through the understanding of our emotions. Just like our physical body is tied to the health of our human vessel, our energetic body is tied to our mental and emotional health.
Season 1
Episode 6
S1 E5 - Life After Trauma: Going From Survival Mode to Healing
Welcome to Chasing Carrots The Podcast! In this episode I share a personal reflection based on wisdom I’ve come to understand as I am processing and healing from a recent traumatic event. There are moments in life that lea...
Season 1
Episode 5
S1 E4 - Embody Your Truth, Discover Your Worth
Welcome to Chasing Carrots The Podcast, on this week’s episode we welcome our 2nd special guest - Kat Ho! Kat is an energy healer and a wilderness expedition leader who describes herself as a freelance guide for inner and ...
Season 1
Episode 4
S1 E3 - 10 Carrots of Wisdom
Welcome to Chasing Carrots The Podcast! On this week’s episode we welcome our first special guest - Dyonisio! He is an artist through and through with an immense appreciation for the light and the shadows that surround our world...
Season 1
Episode 3
S1 E2 - Navigating Change And Adapting To It
Welcome to Chasing Carrots The Podcast! Today’s episode is a personal reflection on navigating life’s challenges and adapting to them.We live in a world that is changing faster than most of us can keep up with, and most of the ...
Season 1
Episode 2
S1 E1- Meet your host - WTF is this podcast about?
Welcome to Chasing Carrots The Podcast! I am your host Zazil Pereira - an energy worker and healer, and a facilitator of deep transformational conversations. As I was navigating a cycle of depression back in 2019, I received a v...
Season 1
Episode 1