Chasing Carrots With Zazil Pereira
Welcome to Chasing Carrots - A podcast for empaths and highly sensitive people. As empaths and highly sensitive people, the ability to feel emotions in and around us can sometimes feel like a burden - but what if I told you that by learning about and understanding your own emotions, being empathic and highly sensitive is actually your superpower? Join me - your host, Zazil Pereira - and together we will explore what it means to be an empath and highly sensitive, and how taking ownership of your true nature can empower you to reclaim your voice and release any emotional blockages that have been holding you back.
Chasing Carrots With Zazil Pereira
S2 E7 - How To Heal Trauma And Triggers As An Empath + HSP
In this episode I’m joined by Dr. Deniz Ahmadinia, a trauma informed and anxiety psychologist who integrates holistic modalities, mindfulness, and body-based therapies to help empaths and highly sensitive people embody healing.
We discuss:
- What is self-awareness and mindfulness?
- How to use self-awareness and mindfulness to navigate trauma.
- Big T and Small T trauma and how it affects your nervous system.
- Attachment wounds and its connection to your empathic and sensitive nature.
- Developing a self-compassion practice to meet your needs and support your nervous system.
- The importance of boundaries to avoid self-neglect and burn out.
- Becoming aware of when and how your nervous system activates.
- The role intergenerational trauma plays in your life and the impact it has on your healing.
- How to cultivate safety from the inside out to develop self-trust and uphold your boundaries.
Learn more about Dr. Deniz and her work!
Free Guided Meditations & Nervous System E-book
Instagram: @drdenizpsyd
TikTok: @drdenizpsyd
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